Thursday, December 9, 2010

Department of Biology: Lacking in Facilities, Not Faculty

The University of Mississippi Department of Biology has been located in the same building for years. This building, Shoemaker Hall, is often times viewed by observers as being old and out of date. The building was built in the 60’s and has looked the same since it was constructed.

Although the building that the department is in may be out of date, it surely does not lack when it comes to having faculty that could be considered second to none in the Southeast. Sophomore Biology major Adam Liberto had this to say about the department, “It is true that the facility needs to be re-done, but the teachers and the instructors are right where they need to be.” This sort of quote can be heard from just about anyone who has taken a biology class in Shoemaker Hall.

Earlier this semester, I spoke with several instructors in the Department of Biology that all seemed very confident in the work that they put in. Each one of them seemed to tell me the same thing. They believe that they are some of the best instructors in this region, but the facilities that we have at the University make it difficult for each instructor and student to reach their full potential.

So it is pretty clear to see that it is time for the University of Mississippi to begin contemplating the thought of either remodeling the building completely, or tear it down and start from scratch. I spoke with another biology student, Asthon Lemley, and this is what he had to say, “It is time for (Ole Miss) to have a new biology building, and I think the board or whoever is in charge should give it some serious thought.”

Students and instructors both realize the demand for a new Department of Biology and each understand the importance of it. With all the construction going on at the University, it may be a while before we can get around to the Department of Biology. Though I believe that if enough students and faculty complain to the board about the department’s current conditions, I think we will see a new Biology Department here in the next five to ten years. For more information about the Department of Biology go to:

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